My Experience With Portable Monitors
You can click any of the links above or in the comments to buy the AUZAI or check out the Vissles monitor and it may help the blog receive a commission which won't cost you anything extra than what you buy. Hey how's it going everyone. Vissles and AUZAI were nice enough to send their monitors in for review. You Can Check Out The Vissles Portable Touch Screen Monitor by Clicking Here (Amazon Affiliate Link) You can check the AUZAI Portable Monitor Here Off the bat, they both look identical having a similar case design made of checkered textured with some kind of faux leather material. the cover case are magnetic, and can be completely removed from both of them. They are also the same screen size and have a 1920x1080 monitor. Out of the box the AUZAI comes with a screen protector, while the Vissles does not. Other than that it should come with a mini HDMI cable, power, and USB C to C cable. When I connect this to my laptop through usb type C, I...